First of all. Am I really doing this? Am I blogging? I guess I am. Every one and their mom is doing it these days, including my best friend in the world (yes, I'm looking at you Andrew) who kind of inspired me to start doing this here shit.
How did he inspire me you (is anyone even there?) ask? Well, he started his own blog and it was funny as hell. At least I thought so, but you can check it out for yourselves over here:
I am not really sure where this is going to go, but I guess I just felt like writing about my life as a family man and a full out nerd. Not a nerd in the "likes-math-alot-and-wears-nerdy-glasses-that-keeping -sliding-down-the-nose-bridge-and-have-to-be-repositioned-with-the-middle-finger" kind of way, but more in the "plays-world-of-warcraft-dungeons-and-dragons-collects-miniatures-and-trading-cards" kind of way. I also like rap.
I will try to answer important questions like:
- How does a father and husband with a full time job still manage to get 4 pieces of his Tier 10 Armor set for his level 80 mage in World of Warcraft?
- Will my wife ever start playing World of Warcraft?
- Will he ever finish his new rap beat?
- Will he ever get the Dungeons and Dragons group back together to roll some dice?
- Will we ever watch Zombieland?
- Will the anime figure (this one) I ordered ages ago from Japan ever arrive?
I know, those are some intense and interesting questions up there, so stay tuned for the answers.
I should probably say a few words about myself even though the only people that are going to read this already know me, but hey, you never know with these internets these days, right? I guess the right place for this would probably have been at the beginning of the post, but I'm a blogging noob, so back off!
So I am 29 (OMG, I am almost 30!!!), have a lovely wife named Sarah (never make the mistake of calling her Sara without the "h". She will know if you you are just saying her name and think it is spelled without and "h") and a really cute 13 month old daughter named Olive. Yes. Olive. Like the fruit. Or is it a vegetable? Either way, its a cute name we think. Sarah loves tomato plants. Olive loves destroying her tomato plants. I am routing for Olive. Those fucking tomato plants are taking over the apartment! (Rachel, if you are reading this, thanks for taking some!) I also have a second daughter on the way. She will be joining us at the end if June. Or around there. Her name is Penelope. Poppy for short. (As a side note, I just asked Sarah how we are going to spell Poppy and she said "p" "o" "o" p" "y". What a smart ass!)
Work. Yes. I do work. I work for Electronic Arts with a studio that focusses on free to play games (or play4free as we like to call it :-) ). Currently we have three live games: Battlefield Heroes, BattleForge and Lord of Ultima. You can check them out if you want to. So I guess I made one of my hobbies my job. Which is good.
Wow. This is a lengthy introduction. If you are still reading, you are either my wife (thanks Sarah), Andrew (yeah you better read my blog, since I am following yours and gave you props here!) or another friend or family member (thanks!). If you are someone who doesn't know me and are reading this, well you are making me very happy, even though I don't know you and will probably never even know what you look like. And if I do, please make sure you are wearing pants.
So in my upcoming blogs (oh yes, there will be more!) I will try to answer some of the above posted questions and tell you guys about, well, things and stuff. Mostly about the adventures with Olive and Sarah and WoW (World of Warcraft, for those few uninitiated of you out there) though.
For those of you that think I am doing this to become famous, well, that's nonsense because I am already famous and here is proof:
- Ericsson Telecom Report (check between minutes 3:00 and 4:00)
- DICE New Employee Video (look for *WHS*//Skilled1337Schnipa//_.)
There you have it. Proof.
Until next time!