To quote Professor Farnsworth from my favorite cartoon (Futurama): "Good news everyone!"
I'm blogging again! I know, all 8 of you following my blog were just sitting in front of your computers, frantically pressing the F5 key (that is the key used to refresh a website, although only on a PC, for Mac its probably the one stupid mouse button on your mouse that you have to use for freakin' everything!) hoping that a new post would appear. Well, you can stop pressing F5 now (Seriously. STOP), because the day you have been waiting for has finally arrived!
(Oh man, this post better be super awesome, after such a mayu-is-so-full-of-himself-but-still-super-hilarious introduction)
Let me go ahead with a bold statement then: Continental is the worst airline in the world!
There I said it. We had the pleasure (NOT!) of flying with this airline twice now (once to visit my family in Costa Rica and just this past Christmas to visit Sarah's family and some friends in Canada) and let me tell you, the level of incompetence demonstrated by Continental was so extreme that I had to come up with a new word for it: Incompetental.
Now technically this is not a real word, as Joanne (Sarah's mom) was quick to point out when I first debuted this word on Facebook, but I have officially submitted it to Urban Dictionary and it is currently under review by their editors. I am not getting my hopes up that it will get approval, but if it does it will be a small victory for all of us who like to make up words.
Here is proof of the submission, just in case you didn't believe me:
You may think this is a bit harsh, especially if you have never had the pleasure (NOT!) of flying with Continental, but seriously, they are the worst! I would even go as far as saying that they are even worst than a budget airline like Ryan Air. At least Ryan Air is honest about their shittyness. You go in knowing that you will likely have to pay if you want to take a dump on the plane, knowing that the flight attendants don't give a rats ass about anything but selling you as much shit as possible and knowing that you will not actually be landing in the city you booked the flight to, but rather somewhere in the general vicinity of it. But that is what you expected and you probably paid less than 50 EUR for that. So thats OK.
Continental however pretends to be a top class airline. They even show you a fancy little video of their CEO telling you how "committed" they are to providing you with "excellent service", but as I mentioned in my Urban Dictionary submission, I don't think any of their employees have ever seen that video.
It is hard enough to travel long distances with a toddler and a baby, but apparently the kind folk at Continental thought it was not hard enough and decided to do everything humanly possible to make our flight, the flight from hell!
But I guess I should have thanked the one flight attendant that kept repeatedly kicking my foot every time he passed my seat, while I was trying to sleep with Olive on sleeping on top of me, because my foot was in the hall way, for providing me with a "real" challenge. Flying with kids without people kicking you is waaaaaaaaay too easy!
Well, EXCUSE ME for not being able to fit my legs in the very generous 5cm of leg space you provide in your shitty airplane, kind flight attendant.
That same guy, was also the one that came storming straight to our seats asking us if we had just changed a diaper in the toilet, because apparently there was some poop smeared somewhere in there. Maybe that would have been OK to assume if we had been the only passengers with small children on the flight, but it was the flight back to Stockholm, and the plane was jammed packed with babies! WTF!? Or to quote one of Sarah's favorite shows Grey's Anatomy: "Seriously!" (By the way, have you noticed how the dialogs in that show consist of characters saying one thing and then repeating it 3 to 4 times with slightly different intonations? Really irritating. But that's for another day).
Anyways, if you are traveling with children avoid Continental at all costs! And if you can't avoid them, at least make sure you smear some poop all over their toilets!
Until next time! (Hopefully I'll keep the posts coming this time)
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I LOL'd through this whole blog entry. Seriously? Seriously! Seriously. And btw - I hate lol'ing, but I'll use it for this, simply because it's true!
Wow, I have never heard you complain about anything. Besides when a teacher strike happened and they tried to make us do work and you were like 'thats like hiring a maid and then her telling you to make your own bed'
I thought I had commented on this post earlier, only for you to point out my incompetental ways in that I hadn't filled out the safeword business...dumn, the safeword business, I mean, not me...anyhoo, Mayu, you know how I feel, your blog's hiiiilarious thus far - ps, I know it was you who killed a dozen of my tomatoe plants on May 26th 2010...
Mayu, you crack me up. I, for one, am so glad that I don't have to refresh my webpage again. The hiatus was KILLING me. No but seriously, you're a very funny man. Hope your word gets accepted. If not, I will be sure to tell everyone I know to use it so that it might, one day, make it into Websters.
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